77th Annual Affair of the Heart Luncheon and Fashion Show
Friday, February 21, 2025
2025 Event Co-Chairs
Anne Marie Kirlin

Anne Marie Kirlin is a native Washingtonian. She has enjoyed a career in healthcare working as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She is currently employed by Children’s National Hospital and works at a School Based Health Center in Montgomery County. She and her husband, Tim, have three grown sons, Patrick, Kevin, and Timmy.
In 2014, Anne Marie underwent successful open-heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic to repair a mitral valve prolapse that had developed severe regurgitation. This transformative experience was the catalyst to pursuing active membership to the Women’s Board of the American Heart Association as a way to give back and raise awareness about cardiovascular health issues, particularly among women, who have historically been underrepresented in cardiac research and education.
Anne Marie joined the Women’s Board in 2019 and has enjoyed meeting wonderful women, all working together to advocate for heart health and disease prevention. She has been the Corresponding Secretary for the Women’s Board and is honored to be co-chairing the 77th An Affair of the Heart Fashion Show and Luncheon alongside Stacie Kotter. Through her work and personal experiences, Anne Marie aims to educate and empower others to prioritize heart health, fostering a community that values awareness, research, and support for cardiac wellness.
Stacie Kotter

Stacie Kotter was born and raised in Brigham City, Utah and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brigham Young University in 1997 with a BA in Fine Arts and Communications. She worked in the marketing department at The OC Tanner company in Salt Lake City until she and her husband relocated to Northern Virginia. She and her husband, Dan, have four beautiful children and Stacie developed a passion for volunteering once she became a stay-at-home mom. She has served as the PTO president of her local elementary school, treasurer for the local high school’s Booster Club, Chair of her HOA’s Tennis Committee, and captain for numerous USTA teams. She currently volunteers her time teaching a religious education course to High School students each day before school.
Stacie was thrilled for the chance to join the Women’s Board of the American Heart Association in 2018. Heart health has been an important cause to her since losing her brother, Kirk, to a massive heart attack in 2017. Heart disease runs on both sides of her family, and she has seen the benefits of research and development in improved methods for treating heart attacks and improving a patient’s quality of life. Her own mother is a heart attack survivor, and her aunt and cousin are both currently benefitting from a medical trial to treat atrial fibrillation. Stacie has served as a member of the executive committee for the Women’s Board for two years and is looking forward to co-chairing the 77th annual Affair of the Heart Luncheon and Fashion show with Anne Marie Kirlin.